From experience we, the members of the Free Will Baptist denomination, being regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Jesus Christ and realizing the necessity of a bond of union and fellowship among us; to preserve and maintain correspondence and coordination with us; to unify the work of the various bodies composing the National Association; and to devise and execute measures for the extension of the Kingdom of God in cooperation with the various bodies of the Association, or that may be hereafter represented therein, do therefore ordain this Constitution for our better denominational government.
This organization shall be known as the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc. of the United States of America.
Section 1. Membership in the National Association is generally based upon affiliation of the several State Associations with the National Association. When a State Association is affiliated with the National Association, according to the process described in the by-laws, its various district associations, local churches, with their members and ministers, are also members of the National Association.
Section 2. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to any district association and its constituency in a state, or area embracing more than one state, which does not have a state association that is affiliated with the National Association and which does not belong to a state association of another state which is affiliated with the National Association.
Section 3. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to a local church and its constituency in a state which has no district or state association that is affiliated with the National Association and that does not belong to an organization in another state which is affiliated with the National Association.
Section 4. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to local churches or associations and their constituencies in any other countries of continental North America.
Section 5. In the above provisions, or in any provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, an association must be composed of district associations if it will qualify as a "state" association, or the equivalent. Any associations allowed membership which are composed directly of local churches will have the status of a "district" association.
Voting representation in the National Association, at any session, shall be by delegates from the various organizations which hold membership in the National Association according to the provisions of Article II, and upon the payment of fees described in the by-laws. Delegates are of two kinds: standing delegates, who are the ordained ministers, deacons and missionaries in good standing with an affiliated organization, the officers of the National Association, and the members of the various boards, commissions and committees of the National Association; and lay delegates who are elected representatives of the various organizations affiliated with the National Association, according to the provisions of the by-laws.
The officers of this National Association shall consist of a moderator, an assistant moderator, a clerk, an assistant clerk, and an executive secretary who shall also serve as treasurer, each of whom shall be elected at the close of each regular session, except the executive secretary who shall be elected for an indefinite period.
The General Board and Executive Committee
Section 1. Power to act in behalf of and for the National Association from the one regular session to another shall be vested in the General Board of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc.
Section 2. The General Board shall be composed of the general officers of the National Association and the chairmen of all standing boards. The National Association shall also elect one member from each association affiliated directly with the National Association under the provisions of Article II, Sections 1, 2, and 4, with the exception that no state or country will be allowed more than one General Board member. Each association shall be allowed the privilege of making recommendation concerning its representative to the General Board. The president of the Women Nationally Active For Christ shall be an ex-officio member of the General Board.
The terms of office for the elected associational representatives shall be two years, and so arranged that those representing states, countries, or areas of the United States beginning with the letters "A" through "M" shall expire alternately with those representing states, countries, or areas of the Unites States beginning with the letters "N" through "Z".
Section 3. The Executive Committee of the General Board shall be composed of the moderator, assistant moderator, and clerk of the National Association, with six other members to be elected from the General Board by the National Association. Three members shall be elected each year for two-year terms from the General Board members whose terms begin that year. Not more than one elective member shall serve as an advisory member for one year. The purpose of this committee shall be to serve as the executive arm of the General Board and the National Association. The nature of its work shall be executive and promotional rather than legislative.
Section 1. The National Association shall hold its regular meetings annually at the time and place determined by the Association while in session.
Section 2. The General Board shall meet annually, immediately prior to the annual session of the National Association at a time and place announced by the moderator.
Section 3. The Executive Committee shall meet at least semi-annually, one meeting to be held immediately prior to the annual meeting of the General Board, and the others at a time and place determined by the committee.
Section 4. Special meetings of the General Board or Executive Committee shall be called when necessary by the moderator with the written consent of three other members of the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the General Board shall also be called upon the written request of one-fourth of its members. Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall also be called upon the written request of a majority of its members.
In the event of the dissolution of this National Association, any assets of the organization then remaining shall be conveyed to such organizations then existent dedicated to similar objectives to those of this organization selected by the General Board at the time of dissolution, which organization must be exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 as amended or under successor provisions of the Code as may be in effect at the time of dissolution.
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended or altered at any regular session of the National Association by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided proposed amendment or alteration be presented in writing to the body one day in advance.
Section 2. The Church Covenant, the Statement of Faith of Free Will Baptists as given in this Treatise may be amended or altered at any regular session of the National Association by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided proposed amendment or alteration has been presented to the body in writing one annual session in advance.
Section 1. The procedure for becoming a member of the National Association shall be as follows: An organization which is eligible shall present a written application to the Executive Secretary, stating that it has been filed by the majority vote of the body and signed by the officials of the body. The Executive Secretary may make any investigation he feels necessary and shall in turn make recommendations to the General Board. The National Association shall vote upon the recommendation of the General Board.
Section 2. All organizations affiliated directly with the National Association shall be required to adopt the Treatise of the Faith and Practices of Free Will Baptists as adopted by the National Association, and the application for membership must contain a statement to the effect.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of each body directly affiliated with the National Association to send a letter to every annual session of the Association, reporting its statistics on a form provided by the National Association. Any body which fails to do this for two successive sessions may be dismissed from the Association by a majority vote of members present.
Section 4. Each affiliated state association, or its equivalent, shall be entitled to five lay delegates to the National Association upon payment of the representation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per church. Each "district" association affiliated directly with the National Association shall be entitled to three (3) lay delegates upon the payment of a representation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per church. Each local church which is affiliated either directly or indirectly, under any of the provisions for membership is entitled to one lay delegate, upon the payment of a representation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
Duties of Officers
Section 5. The duties of the moderator shall include presiding at the meetings of the National Association, the General Board, and the Executive Committee; to call special meetings of the General Board or Executive Committee when the conditions of Article VI, Section 4, of the Constitution are fulfilled; to appoint such committees as are created without provision for their selection; to announce the time and place for the meetings of the General Board and Executive Committee; and in general, to fulfill whatever responsibilities may be commensurate with his office or delegated to him by the body.
Section 6. The duties of the assistant moderator shall include presiding at the request of, or in the absence of, the moderator and assisting him in such ways as may be necessary.
Section 7. The duties of the clerk shall include the preparation of minutes for the proceedings of all meetings of the National Association, the General Board, the Executive Committee; and the handling of such official correspondence for the Association as he may be directed.
Section 8. The duties of the assistant clerk shall be to act for the clerk at the meetings of the National Association and General Board in his absence or at his request and to assist the clerk in whatever ways may be necessary.
Section 9. The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be:
A. Administration. He shall administer the affairs of the executive office and carry out the responsibilities delegated to him by the National Association and the Executive Committee. He shall fulfill all duties commensurate with his office and present such plans and procedures that he feels would be effective in the life of the denomination.
B. General Promotion. He shall seek to show through general promotion the correlation and interrelation of all the national ministries. It is expected that he will promote impartially the total program of work as devised by all the departments.
C. Public Relations. He shall serve as consultant on general denominational affairs and as official representative when occasion demands. Through personal communication he shall keep close contact with pastors, state organizations and their affiliates. He shall represent the National Association to other bodies when in the interest of the denomination.
D. Publications. He shall be responsible for publishing the association's official magazine Contact, and to serve as editor-in-chief. He shall direct the production of general promotional materials, pamphlets, audio visuals and books as approved by the Executive Committee.
E. Stewardship. He shall provide a program of stewardship education that will produce increased support for the denominational ministries through the Together Way Plan and other methods of proportionate sharing. He is further charged with the responsibility of receiving and disbursing the Together Way funds, and in general to serve as treasurer and business manager of the National Association.
F. Arranging Annual Convention. He shall expedite the planning of the National Convention program, enroll all ministers and delegates, print and distribute minutes, and investigate future sites for the annual sessions.
G. National Offices Management. It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to serve as chairman of the Management Committee of the National Office facilities.
Election of Officers
Section 10. No person shall fill more than one office at the same time, or any office and a place on any standing board, except as he may become a member of the General Board by virtue of his office. No person shall serve on more than one standing board at the same time, except as he may become a member of the General Board by virtue of being chairman of the board of which he is an elected member. No member of the Executive Committee may be a member of any standing board except the General Board.
Section 11. The procedure for the election of officers of the National Association shall be as follows: the nominating committee which is selected at the beginning of the annual session shall present at least one name to the assembly for each vacant office excepting the General Board. Nominations for the General Board shall be made on Wednesday afternoon of the annual session, and nominations for other offices on Wednesday or Thursday.
After the committee's report the floor shall be open for further nominations and the election shall proceed in regular manner.
Section 12. The General Board shall have power to fill irregular vacancies that may occur in its own body, or in any department of the work between sessions of the National Association. When such is necessary, the procedure shall be as follows: The Executive Committee shall serve as a nominating committee and shall circulate ballots by mail to each General Board member with the names of the nominees. These ballots shall be marked by the General Board members, notarized, and returned to the Executive Secretary.
The General Board and Executive Committee
Section 13. It shall be the responsibility of the General Board to make written reports of all its work to each annual session of the National Association, and it shall be responsible to that body for all its actions. Should necessity arise from war, or pestilence or any cause which prevents a regular meeting of the National Association, whether such a condition is of a local or general condition, then the General Board shall be privileged to call and act with full authority in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the National Association, providing whatever transactions passed shall be by two-thirds vote of the members present, and providing that such transactions shall not conflict with the purpose and edicts of the constitution and by-laws of the National Association.
Section 14. The General Board shall review the annual reports and budgets of all boards at its regular session before these reports are presented to the National Association.
Section 15. The Executive Committee shall make written reports of its work to the General Board and shall be responsible to that body for all its actions. It shall not have power to commit the National Association to any course of action or policy not authorized by the National Association, nor to reverse any action of the National Association. Consequently, its work shall be to implement the policies and plans of the National Association; to publicize and promote the work of the National Association and its various departments; to arrange the agenda and program for the annual meetings of the National Association; to recommend the placement of future National Association sessions; to supervise and transact the business connected with the operation of the office of the Executive Secretary; to make plans and recommendations to the General Board for the advancement of the denomination; and to fulfill whatever other responsibilities may be delegated by the General Board or National Association.
The Executive Committee shall arrange the working contract of the Executive Secretary, who shall assist in carrying out the work of the Executive Committee.
The service of the Executive Secretary may be reviewed by a request from seven members of the General Board. Such services shall be terminated upon a ninety-day notice by either his resignation, a majority vote of the National Association, or the majority vote of the General Board in called session.
Standing Boards
Section 16. In addition to the General Board, the National Association shall perpetuate the following standing boards: The Board of Trustees of Free Will Baptist Bible College, The Board of Foreign Missions, The Board of Home Missions, The Board of Retirement and Insurance, The Master's Men Board, The Board of Sunday School and Church Training, and The Board of Trustees of The Free Will Baptist Foundation.
Section 17. Each of these boards, except the Board of Trustees of the Free Will Baptist Foundation, shall be composed of nine members who are elected by the National Association, according to an arrangement whereby each member has a term of office for six years, and their terms are arranged so that they expire in groups of three biennially. A member can serve no more than two full consecutive terms. The Board of Trustees of the Free Will Baptist Foundation shall consist of the members of the Board of Retirement and Insurance, the Director of Foreign Missions, the Director of Home Missions, the Director of Master's Men, the Director of Sunday School and Church Training, the President of Free Will Baptist Bible College, the Executive Secretary of the Women Nationally Active For Christ, and the Executive Secretary of the National Association.
Section 18. The various standing boards shall plan a program and supervise their operations in their respective fields, and shall be responsible for all their actions to the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc. Each board shall operate under its own constitution (or charter) and by-laws, which must be approved by the National Association.
Section 19. Each standing board shall prepare a budget of its proposed financial expenditures at the beginning of each fiscal year and shall present same for approval of the National Association along with an audit made by an independent certified public accountant which audit shall lead to the expression of an unqualified opinion on the financial statements. The auditor's report shall include, where applicable, a balance sheet and income statement and other schedules as may be necessary for a proper presentation of the financial condition and results of operation.
Section 20. The Management Committee shall be composed of the directors of the departments which occupy the National Offices facilities. This committee shall be legal custodians of all property belonging to the National Association, except in the case of the boards of the National Association which are authorized by action of the Association to be incorporated.
Commissions and Committees
Section 21. When the National Association deems it wise, commissions may be established to perform a specific service in a restricted area on a more-or-less permanent basis. The number of members of any commission shall be decided by vote of the National Association, and the members shall be elected by the Association. Terms of office for all members of commissions shall be five years (except when the commission is originally established the member last elected shall serve a one-year term; the next member a two-year term; and so on); and their terms shall be so arranged that only one member's term expires annually. Present commissions include:
A. The Commission For Theological Integrity
1. The Purpose: The purpose of this Commission shall be: (a) To alert our people of theological trends that could threaten our theological integrity as a denomination. (b) To prepare materials that will contribute to the continued preservation of the theological integrity of our denomination. (c) As the need and opportunity arise to conduct seminars on subjects which are pertinent to the purpose of this Commission.
2. The Scope: The scope of the responsibility of this Commission shall be to address significant theological concerns such as:
a. Trends and influences that would threaten orthodox doctrine.
b. That which would threaten our theological distinctives as a denomination.
It shall not be within the scope of this Commission's responsibility (a) To investigate the theological integrity of any individual, organization or institution in the denomination, or (b) To address points of theology upon which difference of opinion has been permitted in the denomination.
B. The Historical Commission
C. The Radio and Television Commission
D. The Music Commission
Section 22. Various committees shall also be constituted, when need arises, by the National Association, General Board, or Executive Committee, to function for a more definite period of time in a specific area. The number of members of any committee shall be determined by the assembly. Committee members shall be appointed by the moderator unless otherwise provided by the action creating the committee; and they shall hold office for the length of time provided, or until their work is completed, or until they are released, or their successors chosen.
Section 23. The following committees shall be used annually in the sessions of the General Board and National Association:
A. The credentials committee, which is identical with the General Board (although the Board may select a smaller committee of its members for this duty if it chooses). This committee has as its duty the examination of all letters to the National Association and the credentials of the various delegates. The committee shall make recommendations to the Association concerning the seating of delegates.
B. The nominating committee, whose duties are provided in Section 11 of the by-laws.
C. The resolutions committee, who shall receive and present worthwhile resolutions to the National Association.
D. The budget committee, who shall make recommendation to the National Association concerning the total denominational budget and the allocation of the Together Way Plan receipts. This committee shall consist of the Executive Secretary and the directors of the various departments which receive moneys through the Together Way Plan of Support.
E. The obituary committee, who will receive names of deceased leaders from state associations and individuals. This committee will give a report to the National Association so that these names can be included in the minutes.
Subsidiary Organizations
Section 24. The Women Nationally Active For Christ shall be recognized as subordinate to the National Association; but it shall organize at its own discretion and have power to create and adopt a constitution and by-laws and maintain complete management of the work for which it is constituted. The scope and character of the work shall conform to the general program and promotional plan of the National Association. It shall report its accomplishments and financial operations annually to the National Association.
Section 25. Two-fifths of its members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the General Board. Four members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee.
Proxy and Voting by Mail
Section 26. No voting shall be done by proxy in meetings of the National Association. Proxy representation shall be accepted for meetings of the General Board and Executive Committee, upon the presentation to the moderator of a statement signed by the member, designating the proxy representative. A proxy for the Executive Committee shall be a member of the General Board.
Section 27. When a ballot of the General Board must be taken by mail, it shall be approved by the Executive Committee and circulated by the Executive Secretary to all members who shall have their vote notarized.
Section 28. This National Association shall have the right to settle any questions of discipline, doctrine or practice that may properly come before it from any of the bodies composing said organization of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc., or act upon any appeal that may be made by any body belonging to the National Association. Said appeal shall have been written and properly signed by the constituent body or bodies and filed with the Executive Secretary.
The Executive Secretary shall in turn present it to the Executive Committee who shall make recommendation to the General Board. The General Board shall, at its discretion, hear the appeal and shall make recommendation to the National Association as to the course of action it deems best. The National Association may, in turn, hear the case by resolving itself into a committee of the whole, from which meeting all but delegates and parties concerned shall be excluded; or it may vote on the report of the General Board without discussion.
Section 29. The decision of the National Association in such matters shall be final; that is, it cannot be appealed, nor can the same issue be raised again except in one of the two following ways: The National Association may vote to reconsider and then refer the matter back to the General Board; or after the vote to reconsider it may again resolve itself into a committee of the whole.
Section 30. Any action which the National Association may take cannot reverse the action of any member body, although it may act in a hortatory and advisory capacity toward that end. Actual disciplinary action upon a member body can deal only with the member's rights as a member of the body; and in this vein the National Association may refuse to seat the delegates from a member body for a session of the Association or may ultimately withdraw fellowship from the member. The only members of the National Association who can be disciplined are those who are affiliated directly according to the membership provisions of Article II of the Constitution. Thus, in the case of those who are affiliated under the provision of Section 1 of that article, only the state associations may be disciplined; in the case of those affiliated under provision of Section 2, only the district associations may be disciplined; ; and the case of those affiliated under the provisions of Section 3, only the local church may be disciplined.
Honoraria and Reimbursements
Section 31. The moderator and clerk shall receive an honorarium as set by the Executive Committee in the annual convention budget, plus travel expenses to the annual session. The assistant moderator or assistant clerk shall receive the same benefits in the absence of either the moderator or the clerk from the session of the National Association.
Section 32. When a special meeting of the General Board is called, the National Association shall assume the actual travel expenses of the members or their proxies, including meals and lodging. Automobile mileage shall be paid, not to exceed the amount allowable by the Internal Revenue Service. The same provision shall be made for all meetings of the Executive Committee except for the one which convenes immediately prior to the regular annual meeting of the General Board and National Association. Meals and lodging for the Committee during this meeting shall be provided for the days prior to the beginning of the Convention.
Parliamentary Authority
Section 33. The meetings of the National Association and General Board shall be governed by the rules of parliamentary law as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order, except in the case of those rules which are superseded by some rule of these organizations.
Section 34. These by-laws may be amended or altered at any regular session of the National Association by a majority vote of the members present, provided proposed amendment or alteration be presented in writing to the body one day in advance.
of the
National Association, General Board,
And Executive Committee
1. Each session of the National Association shall be called into conference by the clerk, or assistant clerk, or in their absence the senior minister in years; and if a quorum is present, charge shall be then taken by the moderator, or assistant moderator, or in their absence the senior minister in years.
2. Each meeting of these bodies shall be opened by reading a portion of the Bible and with prayer, and shall be closed with prayer.
3. All meetings of these bodies shall convene with open doors except when resolved into committees of the whole.
4. Any person not a member of these bodies may be allowed to take part in the discussions by obtaining permission from the moderator.
5. It shall be the duty of all members of these bodies to be present at the time appointed for each meeting, and anyone wishing to retire shall first obtain permission of the moderator.
6. The moderator shall not allow discussions carried on in a spirit which is not Christian or orderly.
7. No member shall be allowed to speak more than ten minutes or more than twice on the same subject in meetings of the National Association and General Board without permission from the moderator.
8. At sessions of the National Association, the moderator shall seat delegates in a body in a designated section of the assembly room at the beginning of each business meeting.
9. At any meeting of the General Board or Executive Committee a member may have his dissenting vote recorded in the minutes by his request.
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