
"Experience the Holy Land" is an educational, multi-media presentation series created by Chuck Louviere, MDivBL. It is designed to bring glory to God,
edify the body of Christ, and strengthen the faith of Christians. This is done by visiting, through visual media, several traditional "Holy Land" sites
where actual Biblical events took place. This series will enlighten your understanding of many places, events, people, & traditions mentioned in the Bible.
The presentations are filled with Bible references, background information, archaeological evidence, display of artifacts, maps, posters, and other items
brought back from the Holy Land. The sessions are also flexible, allowing for "question and answer" interaction, during or after the presentation of
literally hundreds of digital images as well as some video. "It is the next best thing to actually being there." If you, your church, or other group
has the ability to display media and would be interested in a Sunday Night, Wednesday night (or other meeting time) of 1 or more session(s), please
contact us for more information about scheduling a guest speaker
(Oklahoma City area only).
Here are some of the available sessions:
- Egypt, Greece, and Jordan (2 sessions)
- Cities of Israel A-Z (2 sessions)
- City of Jerusalem A-Z (2 sessions)
- Jerusalem Churches & Tombs (1 session)
- Jerusalem Gates, Walls, & Valleys (1 session)
- People, Culture, Customs, & Traditions (1 session)
Information Brochure:
- Promotional Flier with FAQ (1 per page)
- Promotional Flier with FAQ (2 per page)
Other Materials
- Sample of 20"x30" Poster (suitable for display on easel
with your church info in the corner - I bring the poster with me)
- Series Surveys
& Church Promotional Materials:
- The Oaks FWB Church, 6:45 PM Wednesday Nights, Starting September 30, 2009
- Kingsview FWB Church, 6:30 Wednesday Nights, Starting August 29, 2007
- Hillsdale FWB College, Afternoon Course, May 17, 2007
- Hillsdale FWB College - 2-hr Cultural Presentation
- Moore 1st FWB Church, 6:00 PM Sunday Night, April 30, 2006
- Moore 1st FWB Church - 1-night Panoramas of the Holy Land
- Spencer Road FWB Church, 6:00 PM Sunday Nights, January 15, 22, 29, 2006
- Moore 1st FWB Church, 6:00 PM Sunday Nights, Starting June 12, 2005
- Spencer Road FWB Church, 6:00 PM Sunday Nights, Starting January 23, 2005
- Spencer Road FWB Church - Complete Series
- Heartland FWB Church, 7:00 PM Wednesday Nights, Starting Novembe 03, 2004
- Heartland FWB Church - Complete Series
May God's richest blessings be yours as you seek to serve Him daily.
